Title: USO Time (The Uso's) | |
WWFR20182 > Shows > Show Role Plays | Go to subcategory: |
Author | Content |
Seth_Rollins | |
Date Posted:04/28/2018 07:09 AMCopy HTML Jimmy and Jey are with Naomi and Cameron, and they face John Cena and Randy Orton as they get talking Jimmy Uso: this will be a friendly match between the four of us, and your right the best team will walk out the winners which we will be us. We will show that we want this way more, and we don't have a problem bringing you two crashing to the mat hard Jey Uso: that is right we will teach you two a lesson you won't forget again, and we are not playing around. We will make an impact, so see you out there boys They wait |