Title: The Bar Sucks (Jon Moxley and Tyler Black) | |
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Seth_Rollins | |
Date Posted:04/28/2018 06:57 AMCopy HTML Jon and Tyler are with Hope and Macie, and they are taking on The Bar. They had to laugh, and get talking Jon Moxley; Sheamus and Cesaro are two members of The Bar, and they aren't even funny at all. They got beat by Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt for crying out loud even Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose beat them as we will be next. They aren't setting The Bar of anything, and look how long it took for them to be an actual team that is something Tyler and me didn't have to worry about. We are far better, and lets see who the other members are Samoa Joe, Jason Jordan and Roman Reigns. Samoa Joe is the reason Dean Ambrose is on the shelf, and Seth was forced to team with Jason Jordan as from what I heard he was a lousy tag team partner and wouldn't even listen to Seth. Now Roman turned his back on Seth and Dean for Joe really Leati that isn't funny. your boyfriend is the reason your former younger brother is out of action, and you don't even care now your two buddies that we are facing have to suffer just for being associated with the likes of you Tyler Black: that is right we are far better then The Bar cause we are a real team, and we don't have strange members in ours either. You two are a waste of time and energy as you two clowns are going down one way or another as we will break you two for just being dumb and look stupid They laugh, and wait |