Title: My Time Is Here (Mandy Rose) | |
WWFR20182 > Shows > Show Role Plays | Go to subcategory: |
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Seth_Rollins | |
Date Posted:04/28/2018 06:51 AMCopy HTML Mandy is standing with Paige and Sonya, and she looks at the camera as she gets talking Mandy Rose: it took Charlotte Flair to beat Asuka's winning streak, and that was so funny. you see I am going to give her another loss as she isn't that good. She bores the fans, and they know her matches are so predictable as you can tell what is going to happen before the match is that is so pathetic. Absolution is better then Asuka, and I am so ready for her as I am the one that is going to break her in half as there is nothing she can do about it They laugh, and walk off |