Title: May The Best Team Win | |
WWFR20182 > Shows > Show Role Plays | Go to subcategory: |
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Seth_Rollins | |
Date Posted:04/28/2018 07:00 AMCopy HTML John and Randy are with Paige and Nikki, and they are taking on Jimmy and Jey as this is going to be very interesting as they get talking Joh Cena: we have no problem with you two, but only one team can walk out the winner it is going to be Randy and me. you two are good, and we have no problem taking you two apart cause we want to win over you two cause we are just need it way more Randy Orton: that is right we do, and you two are just standing in the way. we know how good you both are, and we have all the respect in the world for you but we are the real winners as you two will have to go through us to get anywhere as we don't believe you have it in you so we will see you out there They wait |